Our Team

Dr. Saul Ebema: Saul has 14 years of hospice ministry. He is passionate about spiritual care at the end of life. He is an obsessive end of life researcher and educator. You will find his writings on www.hospicechaplaincy.com. He also co-hosts "The Hospice Chaplaincy Show" a podcast  about the psychosocial and psycho-spiritual aspects of end of life care. Saul got his bachelor's in Theology from the Baptist Convention College in Soweto South Africa. From there, he got a presidential scholarship at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Illinois to study for his MDiv. After graduating his MDiv in 2008, he continued to get his Doctorate in Ministry from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2015. His emphasis was  on "Meaning making in the final stages of life."

Dr. Gary Johnson: A native of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Dr. Johnson received his undergrad at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. He Completed his Doctorate in Ministry from United Theological Seminary.